Video is a Winner

“Video ads accounted for 19.3 percent of all videos viewed and 1.3 percent of all minutes spent viewing video online.“

Videos drive traffic to websites. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand why. We love to be fed information and in today’s visual world, video is the most consumed information resource. YouTube reports that more than 4 billion videos are viewed each day, and 60 hours of video are uploaded every minute It has been said that the longer a person is in a store, the more likely it is they will purchase something. The same is true with a website. The longer someone stays on a site, the more likely they are to convert. How do we get them to stick around? Easy, give them what they’re looking for. Videos. “...the comScore Video Metrix service shows that 181 million U.S. Internet users watched more than 39 billion online content videos in September (2012), while video ad views totaled 9.4 billion.” This doesn’t mean that your site will automatically see an increase in conversions or traffic. There are still some things to consider when adding video. Is this relevant to my audience? Is it too long, too short? Do we allow ads? Years ago, only large companies with healthy budgets could afford to add good quality videos to their website, but today the format is well within reach for companies of any size. Since it increases site traffic, length of visit, and ultimately conversion rates, any company that wants to succeed online should have some sort of video presence. Check out this great video inforgraphic from James Wedmore.

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